Without questioning, management skills are vital for any individual or organization to succeed and achieve their quest for existing. To have a wonderful career, relationship, life or business, you must be a good manager. Show me a very unhappy human or a failing organisation and i will show you a poor manager behind that.
A manager either at individual or organisational level who fosters good management skills is able to propel their mission and Vision and succeed with ease. We are not all born managers, management is an art and a skill each of us can learn. Since the formation of THE MANAGER RESOURCE CENTER many people were introduced to an easy way to acquire management skills. The manager resource center is a management training and consulting center that trains and equips managers with distinctive skills for peak performance for organisation and personal development
During the start of this year, the founder and Leader Mr. Patrick Obita went on a quest to publish conversations and thoughts on diverse topics and turn them into a book. The conversations are a collection of thoughts as shared by top East African managers and extraordinaires through the Center’s online and physical interaction platforms, events and seminars. “As you read the book, you will go through all the emotions that you encounter just like while in a conversation” Patrick narrates.
I am a member of the manager and i must say the book is such a profound one. it is real, with thoughts shared by real people from practical experiences and applicable solutions. As i read the book i got an awakening that what we perceive as difficult is often a result of ignorance and under-utilization of basic human natural skills. The book is the deal and the deal is the book. It is not theoretical but practical with experiences and solutions that resonate withe everyone’s day today work and life situations.
The ‘Conversations of managers’ book is already out and can be found in all major bookshops in Uganda, alternatively you can order your copy to be delivered by contacting the manager resource center or the Author himself on +256 776521701 (WhatsApp and Calls). It comes to the list of best management books published locally in Uganda.