Life Dreams

“Succeed Young – Strategize Today” – Henry Kachaje!

Article by Henry Kachaje Know thyself You are the core ingredient to your success. You are the person you will have to work with in order to achieve the success you are seeking. It is therefore imperative that you get to know yourself intimately. Who are you? What skills and abilities do you have? What are your key strengths? What are your weaknesses? What gets you excited and what makes you sad? What are you good at or what can you become exceptionally good at? These are questions that only you can provide answers to and it is your responsibility to know yourself better in these aspects. One of the tragedies in life is that many people spend their entire time on earth living in the shadows of others. There are so many people who outwardly look successful, but inwardly, they are miserable. They are busy fulfilling their parents’ dreams. Some are willingly becoming zombies of their spiritual leaders. Let me give you an example: I am sure if I had applied myself in school, I could have done well in Sciences and probably would have made it into College of Medicine. If I had worked extremely hard, I could

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Calm Seas Never Make Skilled Sailors!

  Show me a man who never had struggles and challenges and i show you are man who never lived. Some one (one of my mentees) gave me a call some time back and part of her reasons for calling was to understand sure if the challenges are normal to have in life. That’s her frustration. Cut from a well off family and having grown with a silver plate of servings, now facing the world on her adult own, challenges seem something abnormal.   Just like her , all other people including me and you have challenges , they may differ in size and weight , time and area of life but the truth is challenges and obstacles are inevitable in human life. Show me a man who never had struggles and challenges and i show you are man who never lived. At my 3.4 decades of living I am glad (can’t complain) that I have been in a full bunch of challenges , most of which have been rewarding .   See,   Calm seas will never make skilled sailors .  It is through challenges that great men and ideas are born , it is through challenges that experiences are got, etc.  No

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Dickson Mushabe Launches a Digital Community Fundraising Platform

The season’s hard, the needs are many, connections are limited, Covid19 crisis inevitably disrupted the way we do things. But as the old adage goes, Tough Times Call for Tough decisions, Dickson Mushabe has brought a solution that is to ease the way communities support each other during and after this global crisis. He designed a community digital fundraising platform Dubbed DOLPHIN FUND. Dolphin Fund ( is a community-driven digital fundraising platform to help individuals, communities and small businesses digitally request and receive donations from well-wishers, friends & family in Uganda and in diaspora. The platform allows one to register a campaign and donors can too contribute to it digitally. To start a fundraising campaign, you go to >, register with your particulars, then register for a cause either as individual or as an organization, then set the goal or amount of money you need, what time frame you want it raised in, add reason why you are fundraising, add any relevant media and finally submit for publication. The Dolphin fund team verifies the request, and if it meets the standard it is then published. Interested donors contribute using mobile money or visa cards and if they want privacy

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8 Ways Businesses Can Position to Thrive Post Covid-19 Crisis!

With no explanation we all know the waves that are sweeping off the globe. The pandemic has created a very ugly disruption for the global and local everything.  Everyone is directly or indirectly affected by the pandemic. Changes will inevitably come. Nothing is going to remain the same.   Amidst all, one thing is for sure – We shall make a comeback, but,  we cannot come back and do business as it was pre-covid19 time. We must revise the way we do business. This revision is relative to each industry and business. But few things remain evident to make meaning in the days ahead.  I explored few nuggets briefly below!  And these are not thoughts to just rub on top and run but thoughts that require deep digestion. The era for pass-by, try-and-see business people is fading and thus calls for understanding of detail in every aspect. Let’s roll; Technology, e-commerce and digitization  Inevitably digitalization is the way we shop and do business of late. It may seem that these innovations favor big enterprises, but the truth is that small businesses have much to gain from embracing new technologies as well and these tools are frequently both affordable and cost-effective

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Naked Thoughts!

“… But I’m annoying you to no purpose with my arguments. A person whose house is only open on the west can’t see the sun rise at dawn; it’s only seen when the sun sets at dusk. If one tries to compare the color and appearance of the two, one will go on arguing forever… …The fault lies not with the vision but with the closed windows. If you look out of only one opening till the day you die, you’ll ever see anything new.” ― Saratchandra Chattopadhyay I write too much content in a day, my Facebook page is always full of opinions, controversial and provocative thoughts and jokes that are not universal but for certain people at different times. An adult friend who i respect so much recently dived into my inbox with the rare rants and toxicity towards some article i had penned the previous day. Back and forth, rightfully and respectfully, we couldn’t agree or bend down to lessen what we believe in. It was obvious we had different opinions and belief systems towards the matter. He really struggled a lot to make me bend to his conventional beliefs. Evidently i am not the type that would

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How to Get a 6-Pack of the Brain!

By; Tai Lopez,  Jul 06, 2017. Click : original article Everyone loves the look of a rock-hard, chiseled six pack of abs — but what about the brain? Even though you can’t see it, it’s possible to give your brain a “six pack”.  How? Learning. Reading. I’ve talked extensively about reading — books on health, wealth, love, and happiness. Classics, modern books, you name it. And if you follow the steps I’ve given you and commit time to reading, it’s just like committing to building strength in the gym — you’ll be exercising those neurons in your brain and building that six pack. The Plague of Know-It-Alls Everybody recognizes the guy at the gym. The one guy who’s bulky and beefed up and drinks wheatgrass juice for breakfast and tells everyone who will listen (and even those who don’t), about it. He’s throwing around weights, grunting and squatting and generally making a scene to show off how strong he is — or thinks he is. You get these kinds of people when you learn, too. They’re the know-it-alls, the entitled people who insist that there’s only ONE way to do things and it’s THEIR way.  I’ll be the first person to

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What you want, wants you – to seek for it!

The biblical Matthew 7:7, Jesus said; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”. By far this the best verse in the bible that i remind myself everyday. Not from a theoretical perspective but it clearly defines that what we want also wants us and we can find it if we seek it. I have actively applied many of the life changing principles from the Bible into my consciousness engineering and conditioning and i can show radical results. With that appetizer, let’s proceed with the article.. Some time around June, last year (2019), I passed by the grocery shop and bought grape juice and some bread , I needed them badly but the brand I found didn’t taste well, given that I was with some mild malaria, so my appetite was so low. In such a misgiving, i went to the small shop outside our residential block to ask if they had juice and bread that would taste for me good. Unfortunately, they didn’t have too. As I headed back to our block, a young single mother well known to me in our ghetto residence greeted me

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The Masks We Wear & the Shadows We Try to Hide!

I really have a good life, i have less complaints to God, at least. However, I’ve had a lot of really hard things, burgs, messes and embarrassments in my life too. Some of these I’ve always talked about from media interviews, in my books and seminars. I am a Parent & Father to amazing daughters, that’s something that can never miss from my introduction if we have ever engaged in a personal conversation. Nothing can equate the joy of that pleasant cross we (i and the co-parent) carry each day to raise our daughters. With such bundle of joy & given the profiles we have outside there; Author, Entrepreneur, Consultant, bla bla, a lot of people far from me think I have an extreme good life. It is true. I’m really, extremely fortunate to have my bundles of joy, to have work I absolutely love and to have hustled my way up to deserve platforms and honors unimagined. I am lucky to have a supportive mother, loving people around me and living in a country i love – Uganda. Good life? Right?, you must be thinking. But… there is a lot behind that profile that I have never shared, probably

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Coping with Relationship Politics

Extract from the book;  Family Soup “Sweetheart , you have totally changed, why?”. She asked in a sad mood. Those are the many statements we can’t miss in relationships & Marriages. I am sure that on the epitome of things for any happy relationship, there should be understanding that change will come. Many people hold on the false beliefs that things will remain the same for the rest of their lives and the people they fall in love with. Everything changes in this world, people change, places change , attitudes change, thoughts change and opinions change , but for some reason (wrong of course) we think the person we loved on day one will be the same for the rest of their lives. When you first get together with your partner, it’s like everything is out of a dream. Looks like an unimaginable dream come true, You get excited, you sweetly enjoy dates, and you imagine ways you could get the bliss ever. But as the bible says , there is time for everything to be born and to die. This whole phase of fantasies also end, which is inevitable no matter how deep and sweet in love you are.

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How many people have you had sex with? & other stereotypes

I spent my adult-teenage in technical schools, mostly single schools, so we were somehow always curious to have deeper talk on sex and women. When i turned around 19, 20 something (adult), talking about a number of teats and honey pots you may have already accessed was a hero talk. You were shielded as the great. If you didn’t know, with boys this is always a hero talk. Some of us who were fearful would just coil our tails feeling like not great men because we had no or fewer numbers to boast about. With society, if you were blessed with a pen*s and have used it to make enough ‘harmless’ marks, you are crowned the man! In modern day it is okay for a man to tell a number of women they bedded in their past but when it comes to a woman then society translates it to something else. Defense sayings like : “A key that opens many locks is a master key where as a padlock that is opened by many keys is fake” In this article i want to break that stereotype. Not necessarily about sexism and stereotypes around it but about the art of being

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