You don’t need to be understood by everyone!
Are you working on a lofty dream?, i guess you have met people who completely didn’t understand you. That’s pretty fine. Don’t feel invalidated for that. Many, if not all times, your contentment plan will not be understood by some people around you . Your plan should touch you at an emotional level, it should touch your heart but it doesn’t need to touch outsiders at an emotional level as you. One’s dream should be powerful; speak to their emotions, and believe in it emphatically. When others see or read it they may feel that it is lame. They may not be moved by it. It might not even make sense to them, That’s cool, because you are “You” not “Them”. Most of them will judge you from temporally failures and mistakes , but stand strong. What matters most is how you feel about your Plan and believe in it to core. It’s a “Yourself ” statement to the world about your beliefs and uniqueness and how you plan to stay true to them and impact others in an ethical manner. Many people will reject to believe it, most more people will disregard it, they think it’s impossible, but some