SelfPower- Encouragement

“Honey! pass me the soup bowl” She said

Some years back when i was at the heights of revamping my career, I invited her for dinner and my intention was to make her aware & consult from her about my decision. Basically, i had made up an immutable choice of going into purposeful entrepreneurship, performance training, authorship  and consultancy. I knew i was headed for hard times, so talking to her would mean i had a cheer voice behind, i thought, but i was wrong. I am talking of my girlfriend then. We had a dinner talk. Half way into my ambitious explanations, she looked at me  with seemingly twisted lips and a tired-like look from the other side of the table and Said:  “Honey , pass me the soup bowl, permit and favor me to enjoy my dinner please”.  Precisely, she thought i was out of my mind , she had always encouraged me to get a day job  as i keep my petty trade businesses as side hustles. To her i was daring the impossible. I thought she would believe in my dream but she didn’t,  and a month later she called it quits as i couldn’t afford her wedding before my dream took off, she

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I didn’t find the magic, magic found me!

Sure, I have the audacity to say that I am the most fortunate man to have transcended (mark the word transcend) and let go the obstacles and hindrances that had stopped me finding my flow. To me it all found me.  Many of my peers didn’t make it yet they were looking for it. Whereas others find their flow and passion, to me it found me.  I just got the realization after a kensho moment, I didn’t go seeking for it from the start.  During a Kensho moment that hit me hard in 2017, I got an awakening, which resulted me writing the mighty book THE CHAMPION’S MOJO . This moment gave me a very massive shift and realization that shall ever remain etched in the records of my life. In the Champion’s Mojo, not only was I writing for readers, but also my awakening. Magic and flow found me and my passion and purpose got unleashed. And like all humans, when your flow finds you, you have to do the work, the work to unleash and marvel the magic. During that period, i realized the magic was inside always, I found a framework, codes and hacks to dig deep to find more of it, I claimed

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Poeple who are not skeptical live like dogmatic donkeys!

If you are not questioning, not getting skeptical, you die with the Donkey Mind There is an old adage that states that; Dogmas are like two hungry donkeys tied together in short ropes on a lane with grass on both sides. They want to eat off the grass that is on each side of the lane but the rope is short. Both donkeys pull harder hoping to drag the other to their side but neither can move an inch. The animals become very frustrated and tired and none can reach the grass. In the absence of dogma, they would have stopped and tried to figure out how to eat.   The animals can decide to take turns. They can move together from side to another. “When you think in absolutes, the only ‘bush’ that matters is the one that you can see. When you believe you possess the truth, your subjective beliefs blind you from seeing other options”. When the donkeys stop trying to pull each other, they reframe the situation. They are able to consider other alternatives and start working together. By being receptive to new possibilities, the donkeys would achieve their goals — they move from conflict to integration. Our disabling

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Your best days are coming!

In life, we have all had those moments when we feel taken up by hard times, it is normal, everyone goes through that. Champions are like pearls, we go through radical tests to become finer. Do you know how oyster produce a pearl? When dirt or sand or small rock accidentally slips into an oyster’s shell, the oyster is aware of this foreign object inside itself. The oyster will feel the pain caused by this foreign object inside its body, and the oyster will produce “tears” to cover the foreign object. These tears will slowly harden and eventually form a solid substance covering the whole object. The bigger the object that is causing the oyster to feel painful and to tear, the bigger the pearl it will produce in the end. Sometimes, on the journey of life you get faced with circumstances that you cannot avoid. Sometimes you need to do things that we are not very comfortable in doing. No matter how bad things are, know that this too shall pass. In life, the oyster story is a similarity. The times when you get knocked down and faced with painful experiences are usually moments when you see significant breakthroughs

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