
What you want, wants you – to seek for it!

The biblical Matthew 7:7, Jesus said; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”. By far this the best verse in the bible that i remind myself everyday. Not from a theoretical perspective but it clearly defines that what we want also wants us and we can find it if we seek it. I have actively applied many of the life changing principles from the Bible into my consciousness engineering and conditioning and i can show radical results. With that appetizer, let’s proceed with the article.. Some time around June, last year (2019), I passed by the grocery shop and bought grape juice and some bread , I needed them badly but the brand I found didn’t taste well, given that I was with some mild malaria, so my appetite was so low. In such a misgiving, i went to the small shop outside our residential block to ask if they had juice and bread that would taste for me good. Unfortunately, they didn’t have too. As I headed back to our block, a young single mother well known to me in our ghetto residence greeted me

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The Champion’s Mojo – Book

The Champion’s Mojo (Pictured above) was a book that i wrote from pure flow. When I was writing the book, I got the urge to interview dozens of successful authors, creatives, and entrepreneurs and what i found was that they all had two things in common; Unwavering Persistence and grit When it came to releasing a song, starting a business, getting a job, living happily, writing a book, finishing biggest projects, or getting most important work done in life, they stuck to it with unwavering persistence and grit. They hack and learn to overcome procrastination, distractions, problems, roadblocks, and obstacles of all kinds. They figure out how to get it done — no matter what. They also focus on what’s important NOW! High level Champions focus much on Right now today. What are you going to do today to get better? What is your goal for today? Do you see a pattern developing here? They realize that throughout each day there are going to be distractions, fish hooks that rip you out of the water while you are searching for your goals. When you get side tracked, get off the wrong exit on your way to work, they realize that you must get

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No crying in Business

In the “A League of their own” movie, one actor named Tom (not sure of name), makes a shout out phrase; there’s no crying in baseball!” To me it sounds like; “there’s no crying in business.” Owning and running a business can be hard, and sometimes it’s so hard that it makes you want to cry, lament or somehow break off. The most frustrating parts of running a business is trying to build a customer base, them a team of high performing employees who can be relied on, and who will help you grow your business with enthusiasm and skill. Then comes issues of compliance (tax, legal structures, licencing, etc) and cashflow balancing. Always tough. These issues can be frustrating that you want to cry, or worse, to give up. I know, i’ve been there several times trying to scale up my three startups. Most of the time, you realise that the environment have got some few gaps to fill but as a person you have ran out of fuel , you feel you can’t push more. You have lost a mojo. That appeal and spark to push more on the terrain. One thing that I have stayed with, is understanding

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Book review: Conversations of Managers

Without questioning, management skills are vital for any individual or organization to succeed and achieve their quest for existing. To have a wonderful career, relationship, life or business, you must be a good manager. Show me a very unhappy human or a failing organisation and i will show you a poor manager behind that. A manager either at individual or organisational level who fosters good management skills is able to propel their mission and Vision and succeed with ease. We are not all born managers, management is an art and a skill each of us can learn. Since the formation of THE MANAGER RESOURCE CENTER many people were introduced to an easy way to acquire management skills. The manager resource center is a management training and consulting center that trains and equips managers with distinctive skills for peak performance for organisation and personal development During the start of this year, the founder and Leader Mr. Patrick Obita went on a quest to publish conversations and thoughts on diverse topics and turn them into a book. The conversations are a collection of thoughts as shared by top East African managers and extraordinaires through the Center’s online and physical interaction platforms, events and

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The Champion’s Mojo; Not just a book but a tool for transformation

Sometimes i sit and wonder with myself what kind of cosmic powers had possessed me to write the book. It all happened from a Kensho moment i was exposed to, during the awakening from the moment, i made it a habit to write down key lessons and concepts that i had grasped, and guess what, those notes of ponder and reflection turned into the mighty book that is changing the face of life and work. To me and many readers, it is just not a book but a transformation tool. See, the Quest for human transcendence is about acquiring a new set of competencies, perspectives and behaviors that radically propel one to go to unimaginable spaces where they think and act differently, have different motivations and aspirations to a oneness personality. It is only a spark, an appeal and magical perspective that one needs to soar in such times, build self-awareness, develop strengths and attract extra ordinariness. The Champion’s Mojo book is a not just a book but a tool to harnessing that inner spark and appeal that assist you to achieve unimaginably. To those seeking to see unimaginable shifts happen in their journey of life, Champion’s Mojo, serves as

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