A year before my century-aged granny passed on, i sat with him to share about different ideas concerning humanity, I don’t recall well how we landed to this but we found ourselves into a conversation about sex in marriages and relationships today.
He was a realist and great friend. “Unlike today where ladies are denying broke husbands sex and taking sex to be a sort of exchange after a certain work/pay, it was different in our days and it should be that way, Sex was given to the husband and taken important for some great reasons beyond just happiness, fun or relief”. He explained as i was all ears attentive.
“First of all, sex should be valued due to the reason that it is practiced to realize who we are, after sex we get to reflect exactly on who we are when naked and cut open, Next this leads us to fulfill Godās direction, that is for production, secondly it should be a reward and respect to each other due to his brilliant choice of humbling each other among many other humans, it is an ant-stress medication to a man and an empowerment of success and a blessing, any man who is often denied sex in the morning by his spouse is likely to be a poor performer in terms of personal success and development, early morning sex used and should be an act of a lady blessing her husband for the new day and success wishes and nice comeback and vise-versa“. He expounded
In the modern world people have taken it wrong where broke (emotionally and financially or otherwise) men no longer share beds with their husbands and partners when there are some shortcomings, they forget that sex is a blessing in some sort.
My granny narrated to me that in those days where men used to work far from their homes, whenever they could find things at work not moving on well either money isnāt coming on as expected or trying to be sucked from the job, they would totally realize that they need a blessing from their ‘partnersā thigh’ (as he called it) and thus would rush home for a night and tap their blessings and come back to work more blessed.
That’s why we would hear things like “Akatasya omukazi wekyibero kyirungyi (literally meaning he married a wife with a good thigh)”; the translation here was that, when a man is warmed and hugged by his wife’s warm morning thigh, they will be blessed and empowered throughout their endeavors.
When asked about why today’s relationships are stressful, he explained that it is because people are valuing some things in a wrong way instead of the better way that splashes total blessing and empowerment. Ladies no longer date broke guys because they think all about love and sex is money and material. “Love is a blessing we give to humanity for evolution, sex is that process through which Women (who he says are more Godly) splashes blessings to men”. He explained as i was all ears attentive.
My granny had the argument that i believed with, affirming that ladies are the blessing a man needs to stand tall in the crowd happily, financially and developmentally. So, when a broke or low developed man is offered love from a charisma lady, they are receiving blessings that will see them stand tall beyond their day’s circumstances. Could you be having any argument contrary to that?, lets hear from you š
To Ladies, that guy who have ambition and a dream to fulfill, all they need is your love to bless them and start off their life journey to greatness – especially that morning glory. Give him full dose always!