champions mojo

The Champion’s Mojo – Book

The Champion’s Mojo (Pictured above) was a book that i wrote from pure flow. When I was writing the book, I got the urge to interview dozens of successful authors, creatives, and entrepreneurs and what i found was that they all had two things in common; Unwavering Persistence and grit When it came to releasing a song, starting a business, getting a job, living happily, writing a book, finishing biggest projects, or getting most important work done in life, they stuck to it with unwavering persistence and grit. They hack and learn to overcome procrastination, distractions, problems, roadblocks, and obstacles of all kinds. They figure out how to get it done — no matter what. They also focus on what’s important NOW! High level Champions focus much on Right now today. What are you going to do today to get better? What is your goal for today? Do you see a pattern developing here? They realize that throughout each day there are going to be distractions, fish hooks that rip you out of the water while you are searching for your goals. When you get side tracked, get off the wrong exit on your way to work, they realize that you must get

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“Honey! pass me the soup bowl” She said

Some years back when i was at the heights of revamping my career, I invited her for dinner and my intention was to make her aware & consult from her about my decision. Basically, i had made up an immutable choice of going into purposeful entrepreneurship, performance training, authorship  and consultancy. I knew i was headed for hard times, so talking to her would mean i had a cheer voice behind, i thought, but i was wrong. I am talking of my girlfriend then. We had a dinner talk. Half way into my ambitious explanations, she looked at me  with seemingly twisted lips and a tired-like look from the other side of the table and Said:  “Honey , pass me the soup bowl, permit and favor me to enjoy my dinner please”.  Precisely, she thought i was out of my mind , she had always encouraged me to get a day job  as i keep my petty trade businesses as side hustles. To her i was daring the impossible. I thought she would believe in my dream but she didn’t,  and a month later she called it quits as i couldn’t afford her wedding before my dream took off, she

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