overcoming tough times

Calm Seas Never Make Skilled Sailors!

  Show me a man who never had struggles and challenges and i show you are man who never lived. Some one (one of my mentees) gave me a call some time back and part of her reasons for calling was to understand sure if the challenges are normal to have in life. That’s her frustration. Cut from a well off family and having grown with a silver plate of servings, now facing the world on her adult own, challenges seem something abnormal.   Just like her , all other people including me and you have challenges , they may differ in size and weight , time and area of life but the truth is challenges and obstacles are inevitable in human life. Show me a man who never had struggles and challenges and i show you are man who never lived. At my 3.4 decades of living I am glad (can’t complain) that I have been in a full bunch of challenges , most of which have been rewarding .   See,   Calm seas will never make skilled sailors .  It is through challenges that great men and ideas are born , it is through challenges that experiences are got, etc.  No

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The Masks We Wear & the Shadows We Try to Hide!

I really have a good life, i have less complaints to God, at least. However, I’ve had a lot of really hard things, burgs, messes and embarrassments in my life too. Some of these I’ve always talked about from media interviews, in my books and seminars. I am a Parent & Father to amazing daughters, that’s something that can never miss from my introduction if we have ever engaged in a personal conversation. Nothing can equate the joy of that pleasant cross we (i and the co-parent) carry each day to raise our daughters. With such bundle of joy & given the profiles we have outside there; Author, Entrepreneur, Consultant, bla bla, a lot of people far from me think I have an extreme good life. It is true. I’m really, extremely fortunate to have my bundles of joy, to have work I absolutely love and to have hustled my way up to deserve platforms and honors unimagined. I am lucky to have a supportive mother, loving people around me and living in a country i love – Uganda. Good life? Right?, you must be thinking. But… there is a lot behind that profile that I have never shared, probably

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