small business ideas

10 Areas You Should Focus On in Business

Article By Jimmy Muhinda An organised venture makes it easy to run and sustain over time. 1.EMPLOYEES. How do you hire/recruit employees ? What do you look for in an employee ? What tasks are available in your venture ?  How do you facilitate employees ? How do you  build their capacity ? How often do you appraise employee performance ? When and how do you retain or fire employees ? 2.CUSTOMERS Who are your customers ? What categories of customers do you serve ?What category makes you the most money ? What category makes you the least money ? What measures are in place to generate more money from each category of customers ? Must you serve all categories you currently serve ? How must  your customers be handled at all times ? How must feedback be received and responded to ? 3.SUPPLIERS. How do you source for suppliers ?How many suppliers serve you ? What kind of suppliers do you deal with ?What terms do you look out for ? How many of your competitors do they serve as well ? Under what terms do they serve your competitors ? 4. PRODUCTS/SERVICES What products/services do you offer ?

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Success Tips for Micro & Small Businesses

A month back, i went to buy green vegetables and fruits at our usual roadside market stall and found myself into business Lugambo (random talk) with the woman seller. Being a Consultant and Entrepreneur , i watch a lot of things every time i come across a business regardless of size. I was surprised of increased prices on vegetables, the bundle has decreased somehow and I was prompted to sit with her down to know the up & downside of such a micro business. It had not come to my mind that in sunny season vegetable prices rise. Mehn! , So insightful. You may think running such a micro trade business is a walk on just but there is much that goes into its success; the logistics, planning, storage, partners, financial management, records, etc. Getting and idea in business is one thing and putting it to work is another. I was touched to find that she have had difficulty in record keeping and money management and together in a few minutes we established a better way to keep her records and track income and expenditure and account for loss and profits each ending day, so as also to have monthly

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Be a janitor that earns seven figures: Act and think like an entrepreneur

Unarguably, the janitor is the less paid person most times at work places but have you ever imagined how much is paid to the contractual company that employs them? So, How much is a janitor paid in Uganda? You may not be sure but the biggest they can get is 300,000 UGX , but the biggest number earn between 180,000 UGX to 230,000 UGX. Truth be told if a cleaner is working for a company, that company is paid over one million which it picks less than 300k and pay the real service deliverer (Cleaner). You will tell me that the company got other costs like taxes, rent and others, yes it’s true, but how much do they remain with? In this era, as a small nest entrepreneur you can operate on less with no rent or shared cheap space but only position yourself well on the internet and build systems of operations.    As an entrepreneurial trainer and serial entrepreneur,   I can tell that as a janitor or any other hand skilled person you can act as an entrepreneur.   Now, we tend to see entrepreneurs as people who think in a pretty specific way forgetting that you can also

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