Stories of being loved and falling in love give us great experiences, we  feel inspired to speak about them because they seem to make a great deal for our lives at the moment, what we hide is the time when we realize we picked the wrong card possibly flagging us signals of grief, regret and frustration.  Love and relationships are a very long topic as I share most of my reflections about them in my upcoming book dubbed; FAMILY SOUP.
We have all faced or known someone whose relationship fell in jeopardy because they never thought twice about the kind of person they moved in with. This is very common. Today’s article is not about giving you tips on how to know that someone but to show you types of women that are so hard to date or marry (on the side of us men since i am a man). The expressions are not in any way personally directed to anyone but a perspective on people behaviors and attitudes and how to weigh what you can manage or not, after all we have different preferences in life. But generally the following are hard to deal with often.,
The Insecure & Clingy
She is always insecure and attaches anything to her insecurity. A phone call from your maama, sister, money you send to your brother, mates, she questions it. She is always with that “Are you sure” mindset. She is always in demand of a quicksand of security needs and assurance, she will need you to constantly reassure her of your love, and that everything in the relationship is okay.  If you call and don’t answer or respond to texts instantly, she is in a panic and venom. She will sulk, ask, investigate and cry. Your phone will be blowing up all evening. There is no way for you ever to make this person feel secure and you may die trying to.
The Egoist
Naturally men got egos (constructive ones) and when a man gets an egoistic woman, evidently the relationship starts to feel a very unhappy one because it turns a battle of egos. Even though there are positive ways to deal with ego situations, the egoist woman is really very hard to date and marry. They are very selfish and do not pay heed to any other person’s opinions, wishes or perceptions except those of their own interest. I am not talking of basic egos that we all humans have, but the fattened egos.
The egoist is a failure at balancing empathy with selfishness, they are always on the self-side of feeling, thinking, talking, planning and decision making. They are hard to direct, hard to love and hard to correct. Their feel of self-worth blinds them at times to see the realities at hand and this blindness rarely makes relationships/marriages work.
The Extremist Â
There is another breed of women you may not likely notice. They are extremists. Everything they do is extreme. When they love they go beyond borders, when they hate they exceed, when they get angry they want their anger be the subject and when they want praise they need a bill board by the road side for the public so to feel you praised them.
When they decide to become empathetic they exceed and when they cheat they cheat with passion extremely. Precisely they have nothing like a balance of tastes in situations. When they talk they want their argument to win and when they believe in you, they take even your lies without questioning them. They are extremists in everything they get into.
They never question realities. I hope you can relate. In short extremists do not have control. Their emotions are triggered by the current situations. Extremist may look good people to be with at the beginning but when the fairy tale goes away, they become really hard people to keep up!
The Control Freak
She decides where you go on dates and who you go with. She may be isolating you from your regular friends. You are starting to become her lap pet. You may even begin to wonder if it matters that you exist in the relationship, as you have no voice. Your friends start definitely noticing. They begin losing respect for you and see you as spineless. This is hard to date and marry. You will become another kind of hand bag they decide where to be positioned.
This is not to say that the above types of women are bad people, No, but they are extremely hard to date or marry if you don’t resonate with them or are not aware of them. Being aware of the partner you have or shall have is key to freedom as it opens up for you the better strategy to stay with them.
What other kind of person do you know that is hard to date or marry? Let’s talk!
The views shared in this article are not in anyway directed to any body or any class, they are reflections of the the Author and minds across the world.