These types of women are hard to date or marry!
Stories of being loved and falling in love give us great experiences, we feel inspired to speak about them because they seem to make a great deal for our lives at the moment, what we hide is the time when we realize we picked the wrong card possibly flagging us signals of grief, regret and frustration. Love and relationships are a very long topic as I share most of my reflections about them in my upcoming book dubbed; FAMILY SOUP. We have all faced or known someone whose relationship fell in jeopardy because they never thought twice about the kind of person they moved in with. This is very common. Today’s article is not about giving you tips on how to know that someone but to show you types of women that are so hard to date or marry (on the side of us men since i am a man). The expressions are not in any way personally directed to anyone but a perspective on people behaviors and attitudes and how to weigh what you can manage or not, after all we have different preferences in life. But generally the following are hard to deal with often., The Insecure &